Saturday, January 21, 2017

Day One. Lots and Lots of Pussy Hats

We have our new President. So let's talk about what he has done since yesterday.

To start off his presidency, Donald Trump continued the attack on the Affordable Care Act by issuing an executive order directing government agencies to scale back on regulations which will in turn allow them to waive or delay certain provisions. Exactly what those provisions are and how they will affect the nation are yet to be determined. He also suspended a housing order that the Obama administration had issued to cut premium rates for Federal Housing Administration-backed loans. The cancellation of the order will cost Americans millions where it would have saved the average american an additional 29$ a month on mortgages under $200,000.

Now lets talk about today.

Today was a day to be proud of not only as Americans but as human beings. Today millions of women worldwide marched in protest of Donald Trump as President of The United States. With at least half a million people marching just in Washington D.C., it has been made clear by the many, many women wearing pussy hats and Feminist t-shirts that they will not be ignored, they will not be objectified, and they will not allow their rights to be stripped away one by one. While the march on D.C. was certainly impressive it was by far not the only one with women and men marching around not only the nation in some of our largest cities like Boston with an estimated 125,000, New York City with an estimated 300,000 or higher, and Chicago with at least 250,000.

Here in Iowa, we made sure that our voices were heard as well with an estimated 26,000 women (and men) marching in Des Moines. Around the state we had many other marches as well in cities like Iowa City, and even a small but meaningful gathering here in Cedar Rapids. Today is not a day for any American woman or man to ever forget with Millions of women marching in United States and millions more marching around the world in solidarity. Be proud of our accomplishments today.

*Photo taken in Boston by Ally Daniel 

*Photo taken in Iowa City by Marcy Oberbreckling

*Photo taken in New York City by Alex Navissi

*Photo taken in Cedar Rapids by Jenn Pruitt


Well Folks its happened. That moment we had all been waiting for since November where Ashton Kutcher jumps out and yells that we have been Punk'd never came. Donald Trump is now the President of The United States. Let's all take a deep breath and try to remind ourselves its just four years. Right? I mean four years isn't that long of a period of time. We can survive this. Can't we?

I have so many thoughts running through my mind right now and its a little hard to organize them. So bear with me while I explain the purpose of this blog.

I had the distinct honor to be a part of the 2016 Presidential Campaign as an Organizer for the Iowa Democrat Party. But I can honestly say that one of the worst problems we all faced on a daily basis was a breakdown of communication. This was across the board and not one person or group is responsible. We all are. And so many props go to my director who kicked ass everyday trying to answer our questions and help us solve problems and make sense of utter chaos while we were in the thick of it.

So I will be here everyday. Writing to the many people of this nation who are as confused and as hurt as I am right now. Each and Every day for the next four years I will update this blog. I may write multiple posts in a single day, and some days just one. I will update this blog with news as to what the new administration has done for or against the people, I will update with information on local elections and candidates, as well as organizations like Planned Parenthood. I will do my best to make sense of the chaos that surely lies ahead and help to be a guiding voice in the dark stormy times I am afraid lie ahead of us.

We must come together. Together we are strong. Together we will win. Don't ever stop fighting for what you believe in and what you know to be right and just.

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light." - Dylan Thomas